How to prevent hair loss

How to prevent hair loss | Home remedies for hair fall

Getting 50-100 hair is a normal condition, there is no need to panic at all, but if the speed of loss is very fast, then one should be warned from now on and pay maximum attention to the safety of your hair. Because hair is very important for the beauty of the body and we should pay proper attention to the health of the hair So today we will tell you how to prevent hair loss and what are the home remedies for hair fall, so that you can make your hair more beautiful and dense.

Why hair fall-

  • There are many reasons for hair fall such as lack of nutrients, vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, zinc, biotin, amino acids and ferritin, or any disease like malaria, chikungunya, tophoid, dengue.  
  • Regular intake of steroids, excessive intake of vitamins. 
  • Apart from these, men suffer hair loss due to abnormal amounts of androgen hormones. 
  • Changes in the hormones caused by pregnancy, childbirth, contraceptive medicines, menopause in women are the common cause of hair loss. 
  • Incorrect hair styling such as tightly tying hair also causes hair fall. Apart from this, bleach, dye and straighteners in the hair also have opposite effect on the hair. Therefore, to make hair beautiful, natural things should be used instead of chemical. 
  • The cause of rapid hair loss can also be genetic.
  • Hair loss is also natural with aging. Apart from these, infection and mental stress in the body can also be the cause of hair loss. 
  • According to a research done in Japan in 2001, a gene called SOX is mainly responsible for hair loss. 

How to prevent hair loss-

What to do if you have too much hair loss? How to prevent hair loss home remedies? 

Oil massage

Regular massage of oil in hair also reduces hair loss. This increases the blood flow to the hair roots and strengthens the hair roots. Especially castor, amla, olive and copra oil are very beneficial for hair. 

Apart from these, massage of lavender oil, rosemary oil, peppermint oil is also very useful for hair growth. 

The antiseptic and anti-microbial properties found in lavender oil are quite effective in eliminating the disease alopecia considered responsible for hair baldness. It is also very beneficial for removing dandruff. You should use this oil a few times a month.

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Pipermint Oil- 

Piperment oil is very effective for hair growth. You should use this oil a few times a month.

Massaging your hair with your hands increases hair growth very fast. And the hair is strong.     

Vitamin c

Vitamin C is also very good for hair growth. Therefore, amla, lemon, orange etc. should be used in the right amount of vitamin C. 

Onion juice

The sulfur content found in onion juice improves blood circulation to the hair follicles. So that with the rapid growth of hair, there is a decrease in inflammation. The antibacterial properties present in onion juice play a very effective role in killing germs and parasites. Which protect the scalp from infection. 


In addition to the hormone antioxidant in fenugreek seeds, protein and nicotinic acid are also found in it. Due to which the hair grows very fast. 

Aloe Vera- 

The enzymes found in Aloe Vera help in fast hair growth. Its alkaline property can also correct hair pH levels. So that it helps in accelerating the growth of hair.  

Do not use shampoo more- 

Excessive use of shampoo and conditioner also weakens hair roots. Therefore, the shampoo should not be used excessively. 


Grinding the flowers of japakusum and mixing it with coconut oil well on the head and hair for a few hours after washing the hair with water and shampoo mixed with water also helps in preventing hair loss. 


Use of eggs in hair also helps in preventing hair loss. Elements like phosphorus, iodine, zinc and iron present in eggs are very useful for nourishing hair. Thoroughly fatten the egg in olive oil or copra oil and apply it well in your hair and leave it for half an hour. After that cleaning the hair with water also has a very good effect on hair growth. 


Regular use of Shikakai also makes hair longer and thicker.  

Your Questions our answers-

How many hair falls in 1 day?

50–100 hair loss is a common condition. 

Do fall hairs come back?

Everyone gets a lot of hair and new hair also grows in his place. 

What is the main cause of hair loss?

Research conducted by Japanese scientists in 2001 found that the gene called SOX is the main cause of hair loss. Apart from this, there are many reasons why hair fall is mentioned in detail above. 

Hair loss is caused by

Hair loss occurs mainly due to deficiency of Vitamin C, therefore vitamin C rich food should be used regularly for good growth of hair. 

Which oil should be applied to prevent hair fall?

It is good to use coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil, almond oil to prevent hair loss. 

Doesn’t eating hair cause hair loss?

The proper use of the maximum nutrients in the food, mentioned above, can lead to faster hair growth. 

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