Home remedies for glowing skin

Home remedies for glowing skin

If you will properly follow the home beauty tips for glowing skin in Hindi given by us in the right way, then you will be able to give yourself a beautiful look with beautiful and glowing skin. It is so important for you that you keep using Home remedies for glowing skin  continuously. You will definitely see a change in the skin within 1 week. So let’s know about beauty tips for glowing skin in this article of Home remedies for glowing skin. Click here

Home remedies for glowing skin 

Make a habit of getting good sleep 

By taking good sleep, the body improves blood circulation, which improves the skin, along with this, by taking good sleep, the cells and tissues of the body work better, so that the skin gets tightened, fresh and glowing, due to which any person One should definitely get about 8 hours of sleep every day. 

Drink plenty of water 

Water retains moisture in our skin. Due to which the glow remains in the skin, so we should consume plenty of water for healthy and glowing skin.

Doing regular yoga-

To keep our skin healthy, we need more and more oxygen. By doing regular yoga, our skin gets plenty of oxygen, which makes us glow, keeps it tight and with yoga, we can keep our skin young to a great extent.

Soap should be used at least- 

The caustics present in the soap take away the moisture of the skin, due to which the skin looks dry and discolored, so instead of using soap on the skin, natural things like multani mitti, cowpea, orange peel etc. should be used. 

Stay away from stress 

Being under stress also causes the skin to fade, so one should always be happy and keep the mind calm so that the skin looks more glowing. 

Clean your face before sleeping 

Before sleeping at night, clean the face thoroughly with any herbal face wash or multani mitti or cowpea, so that the moisture of your face can be retained, it gives a very good glow on the face. 

Aloe Vera-

Aloe Vera contains a lot of antioxidants which act as skin nourishment, you can clean your skin with Aloe Vera along with drinking Aloe Vera juice, it gives a lot of glow on the skin and it helps to remove pimples and dark circles of the face. It is also very effective medicine. You can also use Aloe Vera as a glowing skin cream, due to which the skin becomes very soft glowing. 

Multani Mitti (Fuller’s earth)-

There are many types of minerals in Multani Mitti (Fuller’s earth) which are very beneficial for skin nutrition. Regular bathing with Multani Mitti (Fuller’s earth) also brings glow in the face, Multani Mitti (Fuller’s earth) retains the natural moisture present in the skin. Due to which the skin becomes soft and glowing, along with regular bathing with Multani Mitti (Fuller’s earth) also provides great relief in dark circles and pimples. Therefore, taking a bath with Multani Mitti (Fuller’s earth) on a regular basis is also a surefire remedy for good nutrition of the skin. 

Coconut oil- 

Coconut oil has a lot of anti-inflammatory properties which are very helpful in keeping the skin glowing. The lauric acid present in it is also very good for collagen production. Due to which the skin gets tightened and to a great extent, wrinkles are relieved. Coconut oil is a great face glowing cream. 


Scrubbing makes the skin very soft and it starts glowing. Scrubbing clears the skin. 

Orange peel- 

Orange peel can also be used on the skin as a scrub. Orange peel scrub cleans the dirt from the pores of the skin. Due to which the skin gets a lot of glow and it starts feeling refreshed. 

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What to consume for home remedies for glowing skin  –

Green tea-

Green tea contains a lot of antioxidants which removes the free radicals of the body, which gives a very good glow on the skin. 


Turmeric is rich in antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties. You can also use turmeric as a face pack by mixing turmeric, curd and honey. This gives a lot of glow to the skin of the face and gets rid of dark circles.

Vitamin C-

Vitamin C has a good amount of antioxidant properties. It helps in increasing the formation of colleges. And it is helpful in clearing the wrinkles and blemishes of the skin. Apart from this, vitamin C also protects the skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. 


Nuts are rich in vitamin E, vitamin A, magnesium and zinc as well as good fats. Which acts as a glow in the face. 


Tomatoes are rich in lycopene and vitamin C. Which are helpful in making the skin very beautiful. The anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti aging properties present in it remove the problem of acne and pigmentation in the skin. And bring glow to the face. 

Use branch- 

Consuming branch plant is very beneficial to make the skin glow and beauty. All those things are present in the branch which helps in making the skin glowing and beautiful. Therefore, a lot of branching should be used. 


Bananas are rich in carotene, vitamin E, B1, B and C, after grinding ripe banana, add lemon juice and honey and apply it on the face for 15-20 minutes, washing the face with clean water brings a lot of glow in the face. is. Banana helps in preventing excessive production of sebum and oil. 


Pomegranate contains a good amount of vitamin E, which along with improving the skin, is also helpful in making new tissues. Due to which the skin gets tightened and the skin becomes beautiful. 


Pulses have hydrating properties. For proper nutrition of the skin, there is a great need of protein which is abundant in pulses, protein gives glow to the skin. The hydrating quality present in pulses keeps the skin healthy. 


Apart from this, the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties present in spinach removes toxins from the body as well as removes wrinkles. 


Carrots contain beta carotene which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Which is helpful in removing glowing skin as well as wrinkles. 

In home remedies for glowing skin, now we will tell you which exercise to do to make the skin glowing-

Asanas that make the skin glowing-

Some asanas are also very beneficial to make the skin glowing like-  

Sarvangasana, Padmasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Downward breathing, Shashakasana, Hastapadasana, Halasana, Shavasana, Dhanurasana, Trikonasana

To know how to do these asanas and what are their benefits, click here

In home remedies for glowing skin, now we will tell you about those things which can harm the glow of your skin. 

What causes skin damage 

Excessive consumption of sweets 

Consuming sweets in large quantities has an inflammatory effect in our body. Due to which there can be problem of wrinkles in the body. 

Products for Glowing and beautiful Skin Click here

Hot water bath 

Many people have a habit that even after the winter has gone, they take bath with hot water, which damages the moisture present in the skin, due to which the skin starts drying, and the glow of the skin starts decreasing. 

Do not use makeup brushes without cleaning 

Many times people start using old used brushes on their skin without cleaning them while doing makeup. Due to which harmful bacteria can come on your skin. And it can damage your skin. 


The moisturizers, shampoos, creams, serums that people usually use to beautify their hair and skin, contain a dangerous chemical paraben to prevent them from getting worse. But people do not know that this paraben increases wrinkles in the skin. 


Hydroquinone A skin lightening agent called hydroquinone is used in a variety of skincare and makeup products that is banned in many countries but still many companies still employ this controversial chemical. By using this chemical regularly, many times problems like rashes, blistering, irritation, and dryness start arising on the skin. 

Why is moisture in the skin necessary for beauty?

The problems that arise on our skin like itching, pimples and wrinkles are mostly due to dry and oily skin, and it is very important to keep the skin moist to avoid these problems. If we say in another language, if you want healthy, beautiful, and glowing skin, then you have to maintain the moisture in your skin. If you want to know the way to bring glow on the skin, then maintaining moisture on the body is the secret of glowing skin. What you should know. 


We are sure that from our article home remedies for glowing skin, you must have found many beauty secrets to get glowing skin today, you can adopt any of these measures. And you can add beauty to your beauty with your healthy and glowing skin. Many people read glowing skin tips carefully. But do not use these home remedies or leave them after some time. So that they do not get the expected results.

In these home remedies for glowing skin, we have told you very easy ways to get glowing skin, which anyone can try. This is the specialty of Choice Reader , our research is mostly on home remedies which can be easily tried by everyone, and which are very cheap, when you can get natural beauty with cheap things, then why adopt the market’s expensive chemical, creams and soaps.

It is not necessary that you follow all these tips. Whichever method you find easy to make your skin glow from our home remedies for glowing skin, you can adopt them or you can take special care of your skin by adopting all these tips.

Hope you have liked this article of our home remedies for glowing skin very much. You can share this article with your other friends and also on social media so that more and more people become aware of getting beauty naturally. 

Click here to read this article in English –

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