What is On Page SEO | Techniques of On Page SEO

On-page SEO (also known as on-site SEO) is the practice of optimizing web pages for search engines and users. It involves optimizing the content and structure of your pages to make them more relevant to search queries and to improve the user experience. On Page SEO is most important part of Digital Marketing.

On-page SEO covers a wide range of factors, including:

Your content should be of high quality and informative, which should be perfect according to your target keywords.
Title tags: Title tags are the clickable headlines that appear in search results. They should be clear, concise, and accurately reflect the content of your page.

Meta descriptions: 

Meta description is the summary of your content, which comes below your title tag, it is very important for ranking in search engines. They should be informative and enticing, and encourage users to click on your link.

Header Tags:

Header tags (H1, H2, H3 etc.) are used to structure your content and make it easier for search engines to understand your content. Your main keyword should be included in your H1 tag.


Images make your content very attractive, which makes your content easier to understand, it further increases the quality of your content. Make sure to optimize your images by giving them descriptive filenames and alt text.

Internal links:

Internal links help users navigate your website and also help search engines understand the structure of your site. Make sure to link to relevant pages on your website, using relevant anchor text.

Page Speed:

The time taken to load pages of a website on the Internet is called page speed. A faster page speed will improve the user experience and also help your SEO.

In addition to these technical factors, on-page SEO also includes ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly and that it has a good overall user experience.

By following these on-page SEO best practices, you can improve your website’s visibility in search results and attract more organic traffic.

Here are some additional tips for on-page SEO:

Use your target keywords throughout your content, but in a natural way. Don’t keyword stuff.
Always write for your target audience, not for search engines.

Make sure your content is well-organized and easy to read.

Use images, videos, and other multimedia content to break up your text and make it more engaging.
Promote your content on social media and other channels to build back-links.

On-page SEO is an ongoing process, but by following these tips, you can start to see improvements in your search rankings and traffic.

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